For those of you who know me, you know I have a tendency of getting lost. Well it won't come as a surprise when I tell you that I got lost not only once but now 3 times on my way to or from work. Yesterday I woke up, the day was a little cooler which would make for a nice walk to work. Not just seconds before my hand touched the door handle a downpouring of rain greets me. With the assistance of Marie, a lady who graciously works for the house to cook and clean, helped me find an umbrella. With gratefulness I took umbrella in hand and faced my walk. Now my path to work, as many paths in Sierra Leone are, is very steep with many rocks and pebbles that like to skid under your shoes threatening to trip you as you walk. After heading down the side of the mountain I arrived at one of the main roads, however, I was uncertain if I had made the correct turn since landmarks were slightly obscured by the rain and did not recognize anything. After walking aimlessly around soaked to the bone for what seemed a lifetime, two young people stopped and helped direct me to my destination. I was so grateful for their help and they insisted on nothing in return for their help. When we are in this world we are the lost sheep in need of our Shepard, in need of direction. Jesus came to be the Shepard to his lost sheep, to lead them home. Matthew 9:36 says we are helpless, like sheep without a Shepard. John 10:11 says, "I am the good Shepard. The good Shepard lays down his life for the sheep." Powerful words. He does not expect the sheep to give anything in return. He only longs for them to join Him so that they like sheep following after a Shepard may be led to safety. Safety of eternity with Him. The next couple days I was told of shortcuts I could take home, I took them only to end up lost twice more. I eventually found my way home. When faced with trials and tests, it is easy to look for a short cut, maybe one with less pain, maybe one where you don't get as involved, or maybe you just submit to doing something you otherwise wouldn't have. In the past and currently I do this. It often only leads to more trouble, as did this shortcut I took on my path home. While I am in Sierra Leone I often want to take the shortcuts. Skip the difficulties of having no deep relationships yet, skip the unknowns, shortcut past all the unfamiliarities. God's will is always the right path, His timing is always right. I know that in the past shortcuts were stumbling blocks and being open to God's path is always best. I am starting to see the beauty and appreciate the long path I am on. I can not wait to see the impacts but in the mean time I think I will enjoy the scenery along this very path I am on. In His Love,
Good message!
ReplyDeleteJamie, This could not have been timed any better. I have been having a rough day dealing with some of my Mom's things. I have been having a hard time finding peace with all of this. I guess there are no shortcuts on the grief journey! Keep up the blog. I am praying for you!!!