If we take from Jesus example, we must realize that he put a high value on relationships. He chose an intimate 12 guys to be his buddies. The guys he would mentor and eat supper with. He loved the crowd but would get in a boat to go see a desperate man who was possessed. He did not simply pass by Nicodemus but asked to eat at his personal table. God the creator knew he could not leave Adam alone, he placed in us a need to have intimacy. An intimacy he desires with us and one we should be encouraged to have with our brothers and sisters. As seen in the first in second commandments we are called to Love God and Love one another. The son of man demonstrated this perfectly and then called us to do the same.
I believe we can to some degree find blessings and happiness in relationships that are merely on the surface but we crave for some to know us on a deeper level. My closest family and friends are the ones whom we take the time for. There are various degrees on this intimacy but I certainly have a wonderful handful or two of people who know me on a deep level. For them I am ever grateful and encouraged that they stand by me in my journey of life.
Without these people I would likely never had the faith to journey to Sierra Leone, let alone live here for a year. Though here I am and I praise God that I have been obedient in coming here and am now on a journey to live out some personal relationship in a culture foreign to my own. This has proven to be one of the most difficult struggles.
This struggle meets with cultural differences, balancing time, and respecting others beliefs. In my first six months here I put emphasis on being open to anyone; spent wonderful times getting to know many neighbors and being open to friendships with those I met on the street. I loved this time; it gave me the chance to learn much. It left me though very exhausted at times and though I enjoyed the relationships it lacked the more personal aspects.
I have begun to invite only a few kids in the house, ones that I am working on their school work with or teaching them other skills such as cooking or computer. I have begun to know these children and their personalities. Sallay is a very patient young lady, she has started learning skills on the computer and stays encouraged and encourages her younger “sister”, Kadiatu. Kadiatu is ambitious; she can be stubborn at times though when she completes the work she has the feeling of accomplishment that she wears with a big smile. Aminata struggles to keep up in education, a girl who is in need of some individual attention. She is one who will act out of her frustrations but in time she has a huge capacity to learn.
I have become closer to one young lady and pray to continue a friendship with her. Halima is a young mother of two, as of late has been rather ill. I try to help the family when I can, as we say in Salone, I help small, small. She is a lady with much gumption and I continue to pray that will work towards getting her well quick. I see in many here from Emma, David, many guests at City of Rest that Sierra Leoneans have perseverance, a quality of many I hope they will teach me as our deeper relationships develop. It has surely become difficult as I begin these deeper relationships to see the need that remains on the outside. I am beginning to understand the reason Christ placed such a high value on deep personal relationships because this is what has the lasting effects.
I remain to try to continue to have openness and a love to all those I encounter but balance it with a handful of deeper relationships. Relationships that are overcoming cultural differences, balance my time, and respect others’ beliefs.
Isaiah 40:26 Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.
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