Sunday, August 3, 2014

Budget for 2014-2016

Well it is that time again! I am nearly at the end of my first two years back in Sierra Leone. Need to give a new breakdown. The money is GONE! Many changes over the past year had increased my budget so I'll be heading home soon to fund raise! So here is the breakdown!

It is always very difficult to know how much money will be needed to continue to live in Sierra Leone. These costs are estimated on the past 6 months of living in our new home. Thank you for your support! 

Breakdown of costs for 2014-2016
Travel airfare: $1,000.00 for return flight in September 2014,  $2,000.00 Round Trip for 2015, $1,000 Return flight for 2016. TOTAL $4,000.00 for two years.
Water taxi for return trips: $40.00 each x 2 = $80.00
Rent paid every January= $3,600  
In country travel expenses= approximately $100.00/month
Utilities (water, electric or generator) = Approximately $75.00/month
House security and help= $200.00/month
Medical Insurance= $180.00/month
Giving/Misc= $200.00/month
Average monthly budget= $895.00
For one year= $18,115.00
For the approximate 22 months =  $30,570.00
Some of the changes from the previous two years include paying rent annually. I was very blessed to spend one year at the Hospital’s Guest House for a monthly rent of $300.00. However, the time came to find a longer term solution. We stayed briefly with a friend but that was costing us $600 for the month. We were blessed to find a house near my 2011 neighborhood and could rent out a room to Enable the Children to also cut their rent. It was unfurnished and cost us a lot to furnish but now we are furnished and just need to continue to pay the annual rent. Of course renting is different than subletting, we now have the cost of running a household evident in our utilities, security, and house help. Security is a must for being a “Abito” as they call us makes us high risk for break-ins. House help is our two sweet ladies, Yenkein and Aminata. I don’t cook a good African meal and do not know how to wash clothes with a wash board. Thus we have these two amazing ladies who are our dear friends and keep us well cared for. Medical Insurance and giving have remained nearly the same.

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