Friday, September 23, 2011

"My Power is Made Sufficient in You"- God

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 
2 Corinthians 12:9
Maybe it is all too big for me to do on my own… no it is all too much for me to do. Even if I tried to do it, I would fail. Things would be left undone. Maybe I should remove myself from the work or the situation(s). That’s not the answer though either. “Then what is?” I’ve been asking God a lot lately. What can you do, what can you feel, when you are surrounded by those who long not for wants but even the basic needs, needs to survive.
It is the rainy season here and up country rice is becoming scarce. Many scrape together what little they have to divide among their family and friends. The idea of being selfish during your needest time simply does not happen. Our families in the sponsorship program are eager to receive their bags of rice but right now school tuition is our first priority as school is beginning. Many of the families are in need; I feel the pressure to get tuition paid quickly.
Payments for school tuitions are moving forward. I will be taking an 8-10 day trip up country next week to offer my help where needed. The Scan Drive Sponsorship program is benefitting 26 kids this year. Our house at Scan Drive has been a blessing to us and to the community as our work in this community is intertwined in many beautiful ways. As I am filled with Joy that many kids, that may not have opportunity otherwise, are beginning school this week. Many others approach or look on with their own sad story to tell. Primary education is supposed to be free in this country; secondary education is supposed to be of minimal cost…
So many are overlooked, children on the streets selling instead of in the classroom learning. The hundred of beggars, I pass downtown two or three times a week. What can I offer them but a smile and a small greeting as I hurry on to do whatever else may seem important at that moment. Or those with disabilities, not able to access the buildings in the city for lack of ramps or handrails; their life full of inconveniences. It is easily seen by many that they are ignored by their government and sometimes even their families.
 The country has very affectively ignored those affected by trauma, drugs, abuse, and psychological problems. Laws can be passed but easily ignored that if good intentions were applied would greatly benefit many who are overlooked. It is encouraging to see that there are many who feel lead to bring about a change themselves. One such place is where I volunteer as a nurse twice a week. City of Rest is a drug rehabilitation and psychological rehabilitation center. A church and several pastors started City of Rest with a holistic approach to healing. People searching for attention, love, and care find a bit of comfort at City of Rest. The need is overpowering when you first enter City of Rest and at first it is hard to see past the chains on the ankles of many of the guests. The pain that rests behind the eyes and in the souls of these guests is overwhelming.  Though my time there is often very short and often very difficult, God has faithfully showed glimpses of his pure beauty in moments of prayer or conversation with the guests.
I stand in awe of God’s work here in many lives from housemates and friends who have left their homes, family, and friends to come here and passionately love and serve to the many Sierra Leoneans who are going above and beyond their means to sacrifice what little they have to make a difference.  Though, I have been struggling and continue to struggle with how to give not only my situations or plans to God but to give myself wholeheartedly to His work. How that I, broken and weak, can boast in my weaknesses knowing that God’s grace has made me wholly sufficient. That God’s power is made perfect in my weaknesses, that His power is the one displayed, and He is the one to receive the Glory. I am meant to be here, I am meant to be in every situation, every plan He has for me because though I am not enough and the need is Great He is enough and our needs and the needs of others who can be encouraged by faith in Christ will be supplied from his glorious riches. Though, like Moses and those he led, I and many others may not see the riches here on earth but we have a promised land and that is what we can Hope for while we wait.